About twogether

At twogether we live, breathe, love innovation.

Which is no real surprise, being a 100% technology focused top 20 global B2B marketing and creative agency. With creative, digital, media, martech, and channel marketing under one roof, we have all the services clients might need, but we only deploy those that truly respond to their marketing challenges or goals.

That’s why we are B2B Marketing Communications Agency of the Year 2017-2018, and why Tier-1 tech companies around the world trust us to bring their technology to life.

“There isn’t another business on the planet that moves with technology’s pace. That impacts the way our world works in quite the same way. That has technology’s profound capacity for influencing, enhancing, and even saving lives. One that so embodies the spirit of innovation, in other words. But if we are to maintain this proud record it is imperative that we recognise and embrace innovation in all its many, changing, forms.

There is a pressing need to innovate in the workplace for example; where diversity – of people, knowledge, skills, views, and cultures – represents, or should represent, innovation’s very heartbeat. Talent knows no race, colour, creed, ethnicity, or gender. Neither then, should seeing, encouraging, and nurturing talent.

At a time when our industry continues to break through the most astonishing technical ceilings, we passionately believe that it has an obligation – and a unique opportunity – to smash down a range of social stigmas and barriers too. That is why twogether is honoured to be associated with, and be a founding member of, the ITA.

If necessity is the mother of invention, then technology is surely the daughter of innovation. Diversity will help her flourish. And we are proud, in some modest way, to help deliver it.”

- Kirsty Gilchrist, Managing Director